Distribution Fund

A fund that supports the distribution of Scottish feature films to reach a wide and diverse a domestic audience.

What is the purpose of the Distribution Fund?

The Distribution Fund supports the distribution of Scottish feature films to reach a wide and diverse audience in Scotland. 

UK-based distribution companies can apply to receive support to amplify and expand their activity within Scotland. 

Scotland-based film production companies planning to self-distribute a film produced by the company are eligible to apply. UK-based film production companies can also apply for funding where the project involves a significant contribution from producing, writing and/or directing talent based in Scotland. In both cases, producers should be able to demonstrate attempts to secure UK distribution with a distributor and give insights as to why this has not been successful. 

Applicants must demonstrate how they will extend the theatrical release of films within Scotland and deepen engagement with Scottish audiences. 

Please note, by ‘Scottish films’ we mean those films where the writing, directing and/or producing talent is based in Scotland. 

What are the priorities for this fund?

  • Connecting Scottish audiences with Scottish films, filmmakers and talent.

  • Reaching audiences, beyond core cultural cinema attenders, who have barriers to accessing cultural film, are declining or under-represented in cultural cinema audiences. 

  • Supporting activities that specifically address barriers to participation and engagement. 

  • Supporting activities that are designed in collaboration with target audiences and/or relevant partners who represent audiences’ interests and concerns. 

  • Augmenting the distribution strategy and outreach activity in Scotland for projects that have UK wide distribution plan.  

  • Supporting films that have not been able to find a distributor, but have a strong cultural relevance in Scotland, and can demonstrate they will reach an audience. 

  • Supporting the economic sustainability of the film exhibition, distribution and production sector within Scotland. 

Who can apply?

  • Existing UK distributors with a track record of releasing films theatrically within the UK. It is a requirement to submit the distribution agreement for the film for approval as part of your application.  

  • Scotland-based film production companies planning to self-distribute a film produced by the company.   

  • UK-based film production companies planning to self-distribute a film produced by the company which has had a significant contribution from a Scotland-based producer, director and/or writer.   

Producers applying should be able to demonstrate attempts to secure UK distribution with a distributor and give insights as to why this has not been successful. 

In all cases, applicants must be able to demonstrate market interest in the film. 

How much can I apply for?

We expect to make individual awards in the region of £5,000 - £15,000.  

We expect applications to include other financing, for example (but not limited to), other public funding, private funders/sponsorship, partnership support (this can include in-kind support), and/or distributors own funds.  

In exceptional circumstances we will consider awards in excess of £15,000. This should be discussed with us prior to making an application.   

Distribution Funding is a recoupable grant that will be recouped in full or in part in the event the project makes a profit. Full details of this can be found in the Fund’s guidance document. 

When can I apply?

The fund is open all year round. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and must be made at least 12 weeks before a film’s release date.    

Applicants are strongly advised to contact Screen Scotland’s Audience Development Team to discuss your film and distribution plans as early as possible when considering an application to the fund.  

If your activity is due to take place within the 12-week window, please contact us at [email protected] before applying. 

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