In addition to Screen Scotland’s funding programmes, there are a range of other agencies, programmes and initiatives offering funding and investment for the screen sector. For general fundraising, these include:
Scottish Microfinance Fund Loans - The Scottish Microfinance Fund (SMF) is available to both new and established businesses, with a prime objective of supporting enterprise in Scotland.
Directory of Social Change – The Directory of Social Change offer subscription services to a series of funding websites for charities, companies, government funding and support for individuals.
Crowdfunding for creative projects – Creative Scotland commissioned crowdfunding experts Paved With Gold to produce an overview of crowdfunding for the creative industries. Their report introduces the main crowdfunding models for the creative industries and explains their potential uses.
Arts and Business Scotland – Helping support closer working between the business community and the creative sectors, A&BS offer fundraising advice, tax tips, guidance on business sponsorship and match funding opportunities.